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Welcome! Law Office of JUDr. Andrea Cúgová Lawyer, JUDr. Andrea Cúgová, finished her legal education at the Faculty of Law at Comenius University, Bratislava, in 2004. After successfully completing training and passing her law exams, she registered as a member of the Slovak Bar Association, under No. 4665, and from the 1st August, 2004, has continued to practise law.
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We provide
The Law Office of JUDr. Andrea Cúgová
provides complex legal services in the following areas of law:
- Commercial Law
- Civil Law - Criminal Law - Family Law - Labour Law - Administrative Law - Tax Law - Intellectual Property Law - Constitutional Law |
LAW OFFICE JUDr. Andrea Cúgová Svätoplukova 28 821 08 Bratislava Tel: +421/2/ 45 69 17 56 Mob: +421/905 744 634 E - mail: |
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